Tactical & Firearms Training Courses
Conditioning & Self-Defense Courses
range experiences
We train civilians, individuals requiring advanced agency training, and everything in between to effectively and safely use firearms in threat situations. The UDT simulator-based firearms training course curriculum emphasizes the fundamentals; practical, field-tested firearms handling techniques, threat neutralization, plus static and moving threats. Perfect for those looking to gain confidence and situational awareness in safely handling and utilizing their firearm.
The primary goal of the UDT self-defense course curriculum is to help you identify and neutralize threats as quickly and efficiently as possible. With martial arts, close-quarters combat, and strength training classes, learn to defend against common chokes, grabs, and weapons such as guns, knives, and sticks. Leave each class gaining the necessary situational awareness and confidence to respond to an attack before it occurs.
This exclusive class offering allows our advanced members to take what they’ve learned in the classroom out into the field with live fire. With focus on dynamic footwork, shooting positions, and target transitions, you’ll leave more skilled and confident with your firearm, and equipped with range safety and etiquette protocol. Members must be at least Green Team level or above to earn entry into this course.